


universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

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Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Implementation of Quality Education

"Education is expensive grade". The phrase often appears to justify the high costs associated with the public to get an education bench. The high cost of education from Kindergarten (TK) to Higher Education (PT) makes the poor have no choice but to not go to school. The poor should not be sekolah.Untuk SDN just entering kindergarten and now will cost Rp 500,000, - to Rp 1,000,000. There's even picked up over $ 1 million. Log in junior / senior high school could reach Rp 1 million to Rp 5 million.

The more expensive cost of education today is not separated from government policy to implement School-Based Management (SBM). SBM in Indonesia in reality better understood as an effort to mobilize funds. Therefore, the School Committee / Board of Education which is the organ MBS always required the element of entrepreneurs. The assumption, employers have access to a wider capital. As a result, after the School Committee was formed, sometimes impersonate any levy money, "according to the decision of the School Committee."

However, at the level of implementation, it is not transparent, because the elected officials and members of the School Committee are the people close to the Principal. As a result, the School Committee policy only became legitimator Principal and MBS was just a disclaimer legitimacy of the state on the issue of education of its people.
This condition will be worse with the Bill on Legal Education (Bill BHP). Changing the status of a public education to a form of legal entity has obvious economic and political consequences enormous. With the change of status, the government can easily throw the responsibility for the education of its citizens to the owners of legal entities that figure is not clear. State University was turned into a State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN). The emergence BHMN and MBS are some examples of the controversial education policies. BHMN own impact on the soaring cost of university education in some favorites.

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